Let’s get the holiday shopping season rolling, BoardPusher.com Black Fridays starts TODAY! For the rest of November, you can get 15%[…]
Design Your Own Griptape

The easiest way to customize any skateboard is designing your own griptape at BoardPusher Skateboards. Create a matching top and bottom graphic with one of our board shapes, or, with 3 different griptape options, design a sheet for any skateboard deck you may have.
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HAPPY GO SKATEBOARDING DAY… well, almost. You should probably stock up on your own customized decks, and to help you[…]
Get a FREE sheet of printed custom griptape with every skateboard deck you order at BoardPusher.com now through Memorial Monday, May 27th. Create a[…]
For this Featured Deck, Matty Whelpton slapped his custom skateboard graphic on the new BoardPusher.com Holographic base and created a[…]