We’re excited to share that all BoardPusher decks are now produced with digital-screened transfers using archival-grade inks. This upgrade brings you: Higher[…]
“I went pro in art rather than skating,” Aaron Bigelow says as he tells us about his Egghead Featured Deck, “I’ve been an artist and a skateboarder since I was a kid… but always wanted to design my own deck. As I get older, I’m trying to put some footage together for a part while I still can with my coolest stuff. It’s going to be called Egghead. This board looks just like me but was inspired by an old World Industries Jovontae Turner deck, mine with a much less controversial idea, but the way my face fit on an egg deck was perfect. I was able to sneak text for my name, my mock company name, and egghead edition into my grey beard hair.” Follow Aaron on Instagram @theaaronbig for more skateboarding and art, or check out his website aaronbig.com.
Whether it’s art or photos, make your face, or whatever you want, a custom skateboard graphic at BoardPusher.com. Follow us @boardpusher for skateboarding ideas and inspiration.
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