We’re excited to share that all BoardPusher decks are now produced with digital-screened transfers using archival-grade inks. This upgrade brings you: Higher[…]
Featured Deck of the Day: “D.O.B. Suicide” by Gremlin Corp
The collective at Gremlin Skateboards has a ritualistic suicide series and we’ve chosen D.O.B.’s passing as today’s BoardPusher.com old school Featured Deck. What we like about this series is that the folks over at Gremlin have created a back story for each graphic: “Cause of death by modified handgun, found in Apt #505 in an abandoned building. Reasoning for suicide are unknown but possible ritual is speculated.” Find the rest of the series, as well as a few other skateboard graphics by Gremlin Corp, for sale at BoardPusher.com/shop/gremlincorp.
Design custom skateboard graphics for you and your skate crew at BoardPusher.com.
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