Ocean Li, an art student from the School of The Art Institute of Chicago, is the creator of this Featured[…]
“’Finally,’ she thought to herself. ‘Someone who doesn’t know what memes are, and doesn’t care to know.’ Tevy breathes a sigh of relief.” We should all be so lucky in this day and age. This week’s BoardPusher.com Featured Deck, Meanwhile, was created by Tevy Khou and is “an illustration of my wife and I chilling, watching things on our Ipad.” Tevy is an art director & illustrator and she designed this custom skateboard graphic on Procreate. “A lot of my work is based on comic books, horror movies, manga, and LGBTQ+ narratives.” Tevy’s website is tevykhou.com and you can follow her on Instagram @tevykhou.
Relieve the stress of getting your artwork on a custom skateboard by seeing how easy it is for anyone and everyone at BoardPusher.com.
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