We’re excited to share that all BoardPusher decks are now produced with digital-screened transfers using archival-grade inks. This upgrade brings you: Higher[…]
Featured Decks of the Day: Pizza Babes by Phil Guy
Phil Guy, perhaps better known as Burrito Breath, has a way of seamlessly blending the odd, grotesque, sexy, and funny and we’ve always enjoyed watching his graphics come through our presses. Always with the four eyes and black tooth grins, we don’t know what this series is called, but we refer to it as “Pizza Babes” and they’re today’s BoardPusher.com Featured Decks. Find more of Phil’s work at someguydesign.com, view his store here, or follow him on Instagram @burritobreath.
Show off what you got by creating your own skateboard graphics at BoardPusher.com.
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