Ocean Li, an art student from the School of The Art Institute of Chicago, is the creator of this Featured[…]
Here’s another holographic custom skateboard created by Gabriel Torrez, who explains, “They say forgiveness takes great strength, to let the anger go, to turn away from thoughts of retribution. But in that act of mercy, we can know a sense of grace and profound absolution. This artwork piece was inspired by someone who is very special to me, the love of my life.” This Featured Deck was as a giveaway item at the Tempe Festival of the Arts. You can find Forgiveness and Gabriel’s other skateboard graphics for sale at his Etsy shop. You can also follow him on Instagram @gabrieltorrezart.
Use several background base options, like the holographic, at BoardPusher Skateboards to show off your custom skateboard graphic with a unique look, or even give old designs a makeover. See what skateboards other designers are creating with us by following @boardpusher.
Flaunt your custom skateboard graphics with our flashy Holographic base! Start designing here.
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