We’re excited to share that all BoardPusher decks are now produced with digital-screened transfers using archival-grade inks. This upgrade brings you: Higher[…]

Sad Girl Psycho Baby is one of the comic book characters conjured up by Dan Mendoza, Knightmare Lynch, and their Still ILL Princess imprint. “Our books and content contain the cutest, sexiest and most dangerous Monster girls with an Animated Flare. These series include genres of sci-fi, horror, action, and comedy.” We’re stoked to share another one of their custom skateboards as a BoardPusher.com Featured Deck and look forward to posting more. Find more info on Still ILL Princess at flowcode.com/page/stillillprincess and follow the creative duo on Instagram @artofdanmendoza & @knightmarelynch.
Whether you skate, create, or both, BoardPusher.com makes it easy for you to get your original artwork on a custom skateboard deck. Follow us @boardpusher and get inspiration from other independent skateboard artists.

Get your custom skateboard graphic on the same pro-quality, Canadian Maple 7-3/4″ popsicle deck here.
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