Professor, what’s another word for… that thing you fall on all the time when you’re old and still trying to[…]

Boardpusher Blog
Boardpusher Custom Skateboards
This Cyber Girl from the dystopian future graphic was created by Latosha Stone for her Proper Gnar brand, and it’s[…]
“’Finally,’ she thought to herself. ‘Someone who doesn’t know what memes are, and doesn’t care to know.’ Tevy breathes a[…]
Here’s another vividly entrancing and haunting Featured Deck from award winning digital artist, Sara Diesel. Xunantunich was originally created[…]
Skateboarding is for all ages, even us old guys. This week’s Featured Deck artist, Adam Kahn, has designed his brand[…]
Old Dude Skate Crew “is an homage to the new wave of older skaters, creators, and innovators who have stayed[…]
Mike Hagendorf has melded his love of skateboarding, illustration, comic art, and concealing ninjas to come up with his own[…]
You may recognize David Gonzalez’s skateboard graphics from previous Featured Deck posts, but now those designs, as well as several[…]