“Inspired by Anime, Gaming and Geekdom,” Heroes by Design “team up with creators to create original characters and art.” This[…]
Boardpusher Blog
Boardpusher Custom Skateboards
Select a customizable background at BoardPusher.com/Personalize, like this Blue Boom graphic by Billy Bong’s Urban_Ninja shop, and use the text[…]
Use BoardPusher.com/Personalize to quickly personalize one of hundreds of pre-designed skateboard graphic backgrounds like these psychedelic patterns by PhantomLiving. Click[…]
Karma Ace‘s fantastically unique, quirky, and kawaii original character designs are all created by local Tokyo artists and designers. Browse[…]
LET ME SHOW YOU SOMETHIN’ Tattoo artist Craig Lee may not have titled this week’s BoardPusher.com Featured Deck, but we[…]
Make this curious monkey reflect on whatever you like when you PERSONALIZE this skateboard graphic background created by ETOURIST with[…]
Definitely some beautiful bottoms here created by this week’s Featured Deck artist, Evan Hiebert. Go to his shop BoardPusher.com/DesignsByEvan to[…]
Scot Thomson of Skate Deck Tapestry (sdt) uploaded a few custom skateboard graphics based on WWII fighter planes that you[…]